25. It was a beautiful night. The stars
a) sparklo
b) sparkhing
c) was sparkling
d) were sparkling
26. They
anything at that moment.
a) don't do
b) wasn't done
c) wore done
d) weren't doing
27. Their kids
around the garden
all evening.
a) run
b) wasn't running
c) were running
d) running
28. Complete the conversation with the verbs.
I want to
these on. Do you mind to
after my bag for a few minutes?
a) Spend, look
b) Buy, take
c) Look, see
d) Try, look
29. Complete each sentence with superlative
form of an adjective.
animal is the blue whale, which
weight about twenty-six tones.
a) Biggest
b) Most dangerous
c) Most expensive
d) The heaviest
30. When you are shopping online, first you go
to the
a) address
b) checkout
c) website
d) size
25. d) were sparkling
26. d) weren't doing
27. c) were running
28. a) Spend, look
29. d) The heaviest
30. c) website