READING: Perfect Date, Love
On a perfect date, love is in the air, You feel a deep connection with your partner, and the chemistry between you is
palpable, It's a time when you can be yourself, express your feelings, and create a bond that goes beyond mere
physical attraction.
A perfect date doesn't necessarily have to be extravagant or costly. It can be a simple walk in the park, a cozy dinner
at home, or a spontaneous adventure. What truly matters is the quality of the time spent together and the sincerity of
your feelings.
The essence of a perfect date is genuine communication and shared laughter. It's about feeling comfortable,
understood, and appreciated by your partner, When the evening ends with a sense of warmth and longing to meet
again, you know it was a perfect date.
Choose correct answer (True/False):
1. A perfect date is all about extravagance and expensive activities.
2. A perfect date can vary from person to person.
3. Love is an important component of a perfect date.
4. A perfect date is solely based on physical attraction.
5. The cost of a date is the most crucial factor in making it perfect.
6. A
simple activity like a walk
in the park can be part of a perfect date.
On a perfect date,
genuine communication and shared laughter are important.
8. A perfect date is when you feel comfortable and appreciated by your partner.
9. A perfect date leaves you with a longing to meet your partner again.
10. A perfect date is about creating beautiful memories that last a lifetime.
False - The passage explicitly states that a perfect date doesn't necessarily have to be extravagant or costly.
True - The passage mentions that a perfect date can be simple and vary from person to person.
True - Love is mentioned as an important component of a perfect date.
False - The passage emphasizes that a perfect date goes beyond mere physical attraction.
False - The passage highlights that the cost of a date is not the most crucial factor.
True - The passage gives examples like a walk in the park as part of a perfect date.
True - Genuine communication and shared laughter are emphasized as important in a perfect date.
True - Feeling comfortable and appreciated by your partner is mentioned as part of a perfect date.
True - The passage states that a perfect date leaves you with a longing to meet your partner again.
True - The passage implies that creating beautiful memories is part of a perfect date.
In summary, statements 1, 4, and 5 are false, while statements 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are true based on the information provided.