Нужно 14-16 речень нужно сегодня сейчас дам 5 балов
Англиский язік
1. The day kicks off with a flamenco lesson instead of tackling math.
2. Forget pens and pencils; students are using confetti for note-taking.
3. Each class undergoes a thematic shift, transporting through different eras every hour.
4. Geography class unfolds in a pool, with mirages taking the place of traditional maps.
5. Lunch tables morph into karaoke stages, using pizza slices as makeshift microphones.
6. Art class turns into a collaborative project crafting a colossal pizza.
7. School buses double as mobile dance floors on wheels.
8. Students engage in lively debates over whether dumplings or pizza reign supreme.
9. Quirky sounds from a musical robot replace the usual bell between classes.
10. Chemistry class transforms into a bubble-blowing experiment extravaganza.
11. The school choir abandons instruments for a symphony of fruit and vegetable sounds.
12. Physical education includes trampoline sessions instead of the usual track run.
13. Teachers and students switch places for a class, inducing delightful chaos.
14. The library becomes a cinema for showcasing hilarious short films.
15. The final class of the day involves teaching household pets circus-worthy tricks.