Английский язык 5 месяцев назад Milashka443

20 баллов срочно надо завтра!!!)

Дополнительные материалы:
1 I didn't drop litter yesterday./ I won't drop litter tomorrow.
2 I didn't eat during the lesson yesterday./ i won't eat during the lesson tomorrow.
3 I didn't play football near the road yesterday./ I won't play football near the road tomorrow.
4 I didn't make noise at the lesson yesterday./ I won't make noise at the lesson tomorrow.
5 I didn't drop a cola can at the bus stop yesterday./ I won't drop a cola can at the bus stop tomorrow.
6 I didn't ride a bike dangerusly yesterday./ I won't ride a bike dangerously tomorrow.
7 I didn't put orange peel in the desk yesterday./ I won't put orange peel in the desk tomorrow.
8 I didn't open a car door on the wrong side yesterday./ I won't open acar door on the wrong side tomorrow.