Английский язык 6 месяцев назад ппопроит

Раскройте скобки, употребивглагол в форме Present Continuous.

1. Why……………………(you / to wear) such a funny suit? – I………………..(to go) to a fancy party.

2. It’s so quiet in the house! Where are the children? – They……………(to sleep).

3. Let’s have a break and go out to lunch together. – I’m sorry, I can’t. I………………..(to prepare) a very important project.

4. You………………….(always / to come) late. Don’t you realize it’s not polite to keep people waiting?

5. Jane………………….(to return) from her holiday tomorrow, ……………….she? – Oh, yes, we are going to meet her at the station.

6. As far as I know, he……………..(not / to look for) a new job. So he is unlikely to be interested in your offer.

7. What………………(they / to work at) at the moment? – I have no idea, but it seems to be something special. They…………………(to make) more and more experiments every day.

8. I…………………….(to move) to a new flat at the weekend. Perhaps you can help me if you………………...(not / to do) anything special.

9. He…………….(to spend) just a few days in Paris. – And where………………(he / to stay)?

10. When……………………..(you / to leave)? – I don’t know actually. The embassy………………(still / to consider) my application.

1)are you to wear. I'm to going.
2)They are to sleeping
3)I'm to preparing
4)are always to comming
5)is to returning.
6)isn't to looking for
7)Are they to work at. Are to making
8)I'm to moving. Aren't to doing.
9)Is to spending. Is he to stay
10)are you to leave. Is still to considering.